This fund will support UW Medicine nurses incorporating global health into their professional practice.  Through helping to fund the INP Nurse Fellowship, your contribution will enable our nurses to engage in nursing education and training overseas with our international nursing partners. Furthermore, your generosity will support our international Local Nurse Champions from Cambodia, Nepal, Vietnam, and Brazil in participating in an extended visit here in Seattle working with nurses at UW Medicine.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to support our nurses and our international nursing partners.  Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated and makes all the work we do at the INP possible.

To contribute, you can donate online:

We appreciate your gift.  Thank you for believing in the power of nursing and for supporting the INP. 


You may also mail a check payable to UW Foundation: please note INP in the memo line

UW Medicine Advancement
Box 358045
Seattle, WA 98195